p IEEE Australia Council


Australia Council Student Activities

Student Contests

The Student Contests offer IEEE student members an opportunity to exercise and improve written and verbal communication skills via two different competitions.

Throughout an engineer’s career, graduates are constantly called upon to communicate their ideas and concepts to others. Researching, writing, and presenting a paper provides students with invaluable early experience in expressing ideas and concepts related to their professional field.

Since the contests' primary function is to improve engineering students' communication skills, all IEEE student members in Australian universities are encouraged to participate in this important contest.

The Student Contests will be conducted for two entrant categories:

Undergraduate students

Postgraduate students.

Please click here for full details and entry to the two competitions.

The 2016 Student Paper results are available here.

Outstanding Student Branch Awards

This is a great opportunity to get your student branch efforts recognised by the Australia Council. There are great prizes to be won.

The IEEE Australia Council Student Branch Awards recognise outstanding student branch achievements by student members engaged in activities conforming to IEEE objectives and purposes.

These include, for example:

Significantly improving the vitality of each student branch with regard to activities, membership, or finances.

Effective interaction of each student branch with the local Section or Region, or IEEE technical societies, through seminars, conferences etc.

Community involvement that benefits local schools and/or the community, the IEEE's image, and the image of engineering in general.

All IEEE student branches in Australia are eligible to enter the competition.

Please click here for full details and entry to the competition.

The 2016 Student Branch Awards are available here.