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Australia Council Overview

Australia Council Origins

The Australia Council was established on May 30th 1986 following the formation of state-based sections in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland.

The IEEE document confirming the foundation of the Australia Council is located here.

Australia Council Activities

The Council conducts the following activities on behalf of its constituent sections:

Coordinates Australian visits of international distinguished lecturers;

Liaises with other technical and professional societies at a national level;

Promotes IEEE through national activities;

Supports Australian hosting of major IEEE conferences;

Acts or responds on behalf of the Australian sections as required from time to time.

Australia Council Statistics

A set of graphs showing the development of the Australia Council and its constituent sections is available here.

Australia Council Bylaws

The current bylaws governing the Australia Council are available here.

IEEEExtreme Awards

IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members – advised and proctored by an IEEE member, and often supported by an IEEE Student Branch – compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.

Information about the IEEEExtreme Awards program, including registration requirements, is available here.

The Australia Council IEEEExtreme Award guidelines are available here.

IEEE Member Benefits

IEEE members enjoy reduced rates on many proprietary products and services including IEEE books and eBooks, journals and articles, conferences and proceedings, standards, society memberships, and continuing education courses. In addition, members have access to a variety of affinity programs that offer savings.

IEEE Member Discounts offer substantial cost savings on a variety of products and services as a benefit of IEEE membership. More details on these offers can be found here.

In addition to IEEE global benefits, IEEE Australia Council is working with Australian companies to establish local benefits for IEEE members in Australia. Listed below are the member benefit programs available in Australia.

Dell offer

Medibank offer (Health Insurance)

Student Activities

The Australia Council conducts a postgraduate student paper contest, an undergraduate project contest, and a student branch competition annually. Details for the current year are available on the Student Activities page.

The Australia & New Zealand Student Congress, a biannual event held alternately in Australia and New Zealand, is funded and co-sponsored by the Council.

Australian students took out first prize in the 2017 IEEE Region 10 poster competition. Details are available here.

Outstanding Volunteer Award

The Australia Council conducts an annual outstanding volunteer award. The award is available in four categories:

Outstanding Volunteer Award

Outstanding YP Volunteer Award

Outstanding WIE Volunteer Award

Outstanding Student Volunteer Award

Details of the award and a nomination form for the award are available here.